Podcast Of The Week
![Tracey Mallaby](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/570204752378478592/fuYTXwI8_400x400.jpeg)
The Unofficial Universal Orlando Podcast
Congratulations guys on being the first podcast to win Podcast Of The Week twice
When I spoke with Lee this week, I'm shamed to say
I was gonna skip the episode & I don't skip UUOP
However when he told me that his internet had crashed & it was basically him & Tracey
for all but 33 seconds, I was expecting Lee talking verbal diarrhea & Tracey lucky to get a word in....
How wrong was I & how glad was I that i listened, it was brilliant.
It reminded me very much of the old days of 2011 when i felt like the only listener
I won't say fan because I can't worship people whose heads are perfectly round, like an orange.
Anyway, it was retro but with a modern twist.
Both Lee & Tracey are polished performers in a way that I can only dream of.
They bounce effortlessly off each other & you can actually hear how very much in Love they are with each other. It was as if we were there in the room with them, just like the old days.
The climax of the episode was the full audio of The Amazing Spiderman ride & just hearing the audio start had me filling up with such happy emotion. I've listened to audio about 5 times now, today, so far!
Anyway UUOP will win again I'm sure, coz I'm their biggest fan (& savior)
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