Disney Parks and Beyond - A Disney podcast for all things Disney

A New Way of Viewing The Parks From a Distance

Now obviously this is being written on a blog for a podcast, but there are other ways, more visual ways, of getting your fix of theme parks.
Now obviously nothing could ever top visiting the parks yourself, but there are times when you can't get to the parks (for us Brits, this would be most of the time), when you need to see those parks you miss so much.
This is where vloggers come in. These are the people that visit the parks on a regular basis and film their visits for other people to get their fix of the parks
Today I am going to recommend three of my favourites, weirdly these guys are all friends, maybe it says something of my taste, but there are distinct differences between the three sets of vloggers

The Trackers

The Trackers, Tim and Jenn, are a couple from Orlando, who record videos at all the Orlando parks, Disney, Universal, Sea World, etc, but also record videos of their every day life, whether that is doing their weekly grocery shopping, doing DIY at their house or visiting museums or going out for dinner.

They also do a weekly post vlog, where they go through their mail that fans have sent them from all over the world.

You can find Tim and Jenn videos at https://www.youtube.com/user/TheTimTracker, and on twitter @thetimtracker and @thejenntracker

Adam The Woo

Adam is a different kind of vlogger, when it comes to taboo subjects regarding themes parks, Adam is your man.

 Having been banned from visiting Walt Disney World, due to visiting parts of the parks that he possibly shouldn't have, Adam moved to California to take on Disneyland. Now that ban in Orlando has been lifted, Adam visits both coast's Disney Parks as well as Universal Parks. 

Adam also visits more unusual locations such as the sites of celebrities deaths and gravestones and as well as abandoned theme parks and attraction sites

Adam has two separate channels on YouTube, which can be found at https://www.youtube.com/user/adamthewoo and https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDailyWoo and Adam can be found on twitter @adamthewoo as well as at his website www.adamthewoo.com

Justin Scarred

Again Justin is a different type of vlogger, hailing from California, Justin is very much about the details in a theme park, but in a humourous way. Justin can be seen visiting Disneyland, Walt Disney World and on occasion, Disneyland Paris (he is there at the moment!!)

Justin likes to compare the different details between the different parks, and also looks at the more unusual things that can be found in the parks.

Again like Adam, Justin has two different channels, https://www.youtube.com/user/justinscarred and https://www.youtube.com/user/LiveFastDiePoor and is on twitter @justinscarred

And if you are lucky you might see these guys team up for some videos

